It was the biggest game to date. The two opponents sat there sweating because of the intense heat in the room. It was the game of there lives. These two experienced palace players were trying to win the big prize of 50 million in the casino royale. As time passed by, the intense game continued. With numerous thoughts running through their head of what it would be like win the enormous prize, they certainly knew their future was on the line and could be forever changed.
The day had began earlier like this. Both men started there day regular. Getting up for work, showering, brushing their teeth all in an effort to look good for work. The kissed their kids goodbyes and also their wifes and were off to work. This game had been weeks in the planning and many in the town knew about it but when they saw the participants they said nothing. They said nothing in order for the participants to focus and to be ready for the big game on Saturday. At times they were constantly bugged with questions as to what was going to be there strategy. They all tried to avoid the media as much as possible in order to concentrate and remain in focus mode until Saturday night at the Casino Royale. The Casino Royale is a elegant place in which mostly people gamble but also sing, dance, relax and enjoy their spare time. The town in which they lived was alive as they counted down till the big game.
The night was bright and lights filled the casino. Many were outside watching and waiting to see the two finalist appear as they began to enter the casino. The air outside was chilly and the contestants briskly hurried into the casino where they were greeted my a loud applause. Smiles graced their faces but in the back of their minds they knew that in the next 2 hours their lives would be changed forever. They were taken into a lounge where they relaxed for a little and they began to have a brief chat with one another. After about and hour of drinks and refreshments, they made there way into the room where they would play. The dealer allowed them to get comfortable and only a select few were invited to see the game. These were the best palace players in the country and they had practiced for many years to become the best. Playing cards were dealt and the game suddenly began. Both players made there moves strategic hoping to catch the other off guard. They kept on until they both had no more left and suddenly its when they knew they had to dig deep. The prize money was big and they both wanted it. They knew how much it would impact them and others around them.
After about 2 hours, they finally had a winner. He had took home the check which he had hoped for so long. He hugged and kissed his family and they embraced him. His life was forever changed and this would be a day he would never forget!