1)What is the name of the Current Novel you are reading?
"Point Blanc" by Anthony Horowitz
2)What is the "basic idea" of the story (min 3 paragraphs) - please remember i have not read the story , provide me with a basic understanding of the novel.
Basically my book, "Point Blanc" is about a 14 year old boy named Alex Rider who is a spy for MI6. Alex Rider is a regular school boy and lives a regular life. He is asked my MI6 to investigate a case in which rich business men are getting killed for unkown reasons.
Investigations into the accidental deaths of two of the world's most powerful men have just revealed one link. Both men had sons attending Point Blanc Academy- an exclusive school for rebellious rich kids, run by headmaster Dr. Grief. The school is located on a high mountain peak in the French Alps.
Cut off from the world, Alex Rider only has his student id and disguised gadgets to help him find out the truth of what really is going on at Point Blanc.
3)In the current novel your reading are their any gender stereotypes or symbols you have picked up on . Please explain No not so far. The book is pretty straightforward and doesn't touch or relate to gender stereotypes.
4)What if ALL the characters in your current novel were male.? Please explain how that would affect the novel .
If all character in my novel were male then the story would be completely different. They novel won't be as interesting and everyting would change because of it.
5)What is ALL the characters in your current novel were female? Please explain how that would affect the novel.
If all the characters in my novel were female the story would not be as good as it is. The setting would change and so would the outcome.
6)Please provide the definition of SYMBOLISM in your own words.
In my own words, symbolism is defined as the use of symbols to represent different things such as emotions feeling ect.